Training 301 – GROW: “Be Transformed as a Disciple of Jesus”

A disciple of Christ is always learning and growing. We can help you to discern God’s call for your life and take the steps to growing in the habits and virtues of a mature Disciple of Christ. How would you like to grow?

Training 301 is designed to help you deepen your discipleship walk by helping you lead a balanced and healthy life spiritually, relationally, financially and physically.

Here is some of what you can look forward to in Training 301:

  • Assess and develop a discipleship plan to become more like Christ.
  • Grow in the key habits and virtues of a mature Disciple of Christ.
  • Deepen your relationship with our Blessed Mother and Saints.
  • Have the opportunity to form or be part of a small group that will help you strive for personal holiness.