Natural Family Planning - Spreading the Gospel of Life, One Marriage at a Time

A lack of knowledge of human fertility has led men and women to desperate measures to both avoid and achieve pregnancy. Some of these measures can even be considered "chemical warfare against women."

Natural Family Planning helps couples to be aware of the natural signs of fertility of a woman's body, and use those signs to achieve or avoid pregnancy responsibly, no pills, shots, implants or barriers, just you.

Natural Family Planning, specifically the Billings Ovulation Method, is easy to learn, inexpensive to use, and has an effectiveness rate of 99%. The fertility awareness also helps men to respect and appreciate the beauty and function of their bride's body, and even helps women to know if they have any health issues, since sickness will often be made evident in the monthly cycle.

Married couples who use NFP have an extremely low divorce rate of 0.2%. This is a direct result of the better communication, self control and responsibility that NFP fosters in the relationship; therefore, it builds up love and intimacy between the husband and wife. NFP can be considered one of the cornerstones of a successful marriage, Catholic or not.

Natural Family Planning Methods

Other Resources for NFP

  • Homework and reference websites for couples learning NFP:
    (listen to Stephen Patton's "Why Contraception Matters" or "Porque Importa la Anticoncepción”)

Humanae Vitae, Cracking the Contraceptive Myths - Dr. Janet Smith, April 28, 2018

Christopher West - Theology of the Body - Pt 1

Cara A Cara - 2018-09-27 - Sair Del Toro - Teologia Del Cuerpo De Jpii (amor Y Seyxualidad)