Please consider contributing to the “Poor”. All donations go directly to the care of those in need.
Add Sat, Nov 9
Fisher-Kids is an exciting children’s Liturgy of the Word for kids ages 5-12 years.
It is now offered every weekend, at the Saturdays and Sundays Masses.
Add Sun, Nov 17 - Mon, Nov 18
We announce the sad news that Br. Ryan Avery has been reassigned by the SOLT Community back to Texas.
Add Fri, Dec 6 @ 7:00 PM (every first Friday of the month)
1st Friday of the month, 7:00pm in the San Pablo Chapel
Add Thu, Dec 12
We invite everyone to Consecrate themselves to Our Lady of Guadalupe and become a member of the Archicofradía Universal de Santa María de Guadalupe.