Training 401 – SERVE: “Discover the Joy of Your Ministry”
Christian service continues the mission and ministry of Jesus, who “did not come to be served but to serve” (Mt 20:28). It is the Holy Spirit who will equip you and empower you for ministry. A ministry is when you use your God-given gifts to serve God and serve others.
Training 401 is designed to equip you to build up the Body of Christ through a ministry. It will help you find the right ministry for you, where you can accomplish it with joy, passion and excellence so that you can really make a difference in the lives of those around you.
Here is some of what you can look forward to in Training 401:
- Assess your gifts and readiness for Christian service.
- Learn about the various opportunities to serve at the Church, and in our broader community of San Pedro.
- Sign-up for a personal interview to help you develop a plan for serving in an area of your giftedness.
- Start making a difference.