Connect to a Small Group
Our Small Groups are places to build authentic relationships with people who will support you and love you, no matter what. We would love to see everyone in our church in a healthy Small Group. God’s Church isn’t just an event to attend on Sunday, it's a spiritual family to belong to.
In a Small Group you get known; they know your name; they know what's going on in your life; they know what matters to you. In a Small Group you’re there for each other in the good times and the bad.
God made us to be in community with people. We need each other because we can do more, be more, and endure more when we’re walking through life together. Start a Small Group or join an existing one to form great friendships, and grow together in holiness as a disciple of Jesus.

Experience in our small groups five faith studies designed to help you embrace a Christ-Centered life and leads you to become a Joyful Missionary Disciple of Jesus.