Monday - Saturday 7:00am
Saturday 6:00pm°* in English
8:00am°, 10:00am*° in English
5:00pm+ at San Pablo Chapel
7:00pm°* in Spanish
° Live-streamed
+ San Pablo Chapel - 1st, 2nd, 5th Sundays in English, 3rd & 4th Sundays in Spanish
* Fisher Kids Liturgy of the Word for children 5-12.
Monday - Friday by appointment
Thursday 11:45am - 1:00pm
Saturday 4:00-5:30pm
Perpetual Adoration
Are You Visiting?

If you are visiting beautiful San Pedro, please come and check us out.
San Pedro Roman Catholic Church is a family, a place you can call home. It’s a place where you can find hope, healing and purpose. We believe that every individual is called on a unique spiritual journey with Christ Jesus. We seek to welcome every person regardless of the stage of their spiritual life, their struggles, failings, or faults.
In fact, you're more than welcome. You're wanted.
Join us for Mass on Sunday, and experience our Belizean hospitality and warmth.
Student Ministries
We have ministries for students from ages 5 through high school. Find out which ministry we offer for your children.
Welcome Message from Our Pastor

Jesus Christ loves the people of San Pedro and He loves you! I thank the Most Holy Trinity for the many gifts and graces given to our community, including the many visitors from around the world who share our rich Catholic faith.
San Pedro Roman Catholic Church has a rich history of the faithful people of God in Belize. We desire to always clearly communicate a message of the hope that we have in Jesus Christ within the sacramental life of His church.
I am proud to present this new website to you so that you may better know the opportunities available to you to experience the joy of the Gospel while in San Pedro. All are welcome and whether you are a sinner or a saint there is an opportunity for you to grow in the love of God and your neighbor. Know we pray everyday for everyone in San Pedro and those who visit.
“I pray not only for them, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, so that they may all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us, that the world may believe that you sent me. ” John 17:20-21
May God bless you,
+ Fr. Eduardo Montemayor, SOLT
San Pedro Roman Cathoic Church is served by